Obama's Plans for Health Care Reform

Friday, February 13, 2009

Obama Backs Health Care Reform by Karen Pallarito is an article about President Obama's promises for health care reform in the United States. The article discusses the current economic situation and how it relates to Obama's plans for health care reform.
Most Americans say they support a government role in moving to a system of universal health that would guarantee coverage for all Americans. But how does Obama plan to reform health care? Pallarito states “Under Obama's plan, medium and large employers that don't offer employee health benefits would pay a tax to help fund coverage -- a so-called "play-or-pay" mandate. He also pledged to expand eligibility under Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). And he would create a plan much like the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program to help individuals who don't have job-based coverage or don't quality for other public programs.”
Everyone should read this article because health care reform impacts every American. It is a national outrage that in the United States health care is only available to those who can afford it as opposed to all other industrialized countries that have some form of universal health care. To understated that reform is needed all you have to do is look at the rising cost of health care, the substantial increase in the number of uninsured Americans, and the media reports showing all the uninsured Americans that have to choose between medical treatment and putting food on the table for their families.


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